Lesson 101.
God’s Will for me is perfect happiness.

God’s Will is perfect happiness for me. And I can suffer but from the belief there is another will apart from His.
God’s Will is perfect happiness for me. And I can suffer but from the belief there is another will apart from His.
I share my Father’s Will for me, His Son. What He has given me is all I want. What He has given me is all there is.
Let me remember love is happiness, and nothing else brings joy. And so I choose to entertain no substitutes for love.
Love is my heritage, and with it joy. 3hese are the gifts my Father gave to me. I would accept all that is mine in truth.
Today I will accept God’s peace and joy, in glad exchange for all the substitutes that I have made for happiness and peace.
Let my own feeble voice be still, and let me hear the mighty Voice for Truth Itself assure me that I am God’s Son.
I am mistaken when I think I can be hurt in any way. I am God’s Son, whose Self rests safely in the Mind of God.
I will forgive all things today, that I may learn how to accept the truth in me, and come to recognize my sinlessness.
I rest in God today, and let Him work in me and through me, while I rest in Him in quiet and in perfect certainty.
I am God’s Son. Today I lay aside all sick illusions of myself, and let my Father tell me Who I really am.
91. Miracles are seen in light.
92. Miracles are seen in light, and light and strength are one..
93. Light and joy and peace abide in me.
94. I am as God created me.
95. I am one Self, united with my Creator.
96. Salvation comes from my one Self.
97. I am spirit.
98. I will accept my part in God’s plan for salvation.
99. Salvation is my only function here.
100. My part is essential to God’s plan for salvation.
101. God’s Will for me is perfect happiness.
102. I share God’s Will for happiness for me.
103. God, being Love, is only happiness.
104. I seek but what belongs to me in truth.
105. God’s peace and joy are mine.
106. Let me be still and listen to the truth.
107. Truth will correct all errors in my mind.
108. To give and to receive are one in truth.
109. I rest in God.
110. I am as God created me.
Forgiveness is the key to happiness. I will awaken from the dream that I am mortal, fallible and full of sin, and know I am the perfect Son of God.
Forgiveness offers everything I want. Today I have accepted this as true. Today I have received the gifts of God.
Let me remember I am one with God, at one with all my brothers and my Self, in everlasting holiness and peace.
ll that I give is given to myself. The Help I need to learn that this is true is with me now. And I will trust in Him
There is no love but God’s. I bless you, brother, with the Love of God, which I would share with you. For I would learn the joyous lesson that there is no love but God’s and yours and mine and everyone’s.
The world I see holds nothing that I want. This will not tempt me to delay myself.
Beyond this world there is a world I want. I choose to see that world instead of this, for here is nothing that I really want.
It is impossible to see two worlds. Let me accept the strength God offers me and see no value in this world, that I may find my freedom and deliverance. I seek my freedom and deliverance, and this is not a part of what I want.
No one can fail who seeks to reach the truth. I ask to see a different world, and think a different kind of thought from those I made. The world I seek I did not make alone, the thoughts I want to think are not my own.
I loose the world from all I thought it was. I who remain as God created me would loose the world from all I thought it was. For I am real because the world is not, and I would know my own reality.
I will not value what is valueless, and only what has value do I seek, for only that do I desire to find. And then receive what waits for everyone who reaches, unencumbered, to the gate of Heaven, which swings open as he comes. Should you begin to let yourself collect some needless burdens, or believe you see some difficult decisions facing you, be quick to answer with this simple thought: I will not value what is valueless, for what is valuable belongs to me.
Let me perceive forgiveness as it is. Would I accuse myself of doing this? I will not lay this chain upon myself. No one is crucified alone, and yet no one can enter Heaven by himself.
If I defend myself I am attacked. But in defenselessness I will be strong, and I will learn what my defenses hide.
Sickness is a defense against the truth. I will accept the truth of what I am, and let my mind be wholly healed today. I have forgotten what I really am, for I mistook my body for myself. But I am not a body. And my mind cannot attack. So I can not be sick.
When I am healed I am not healed alone. And I would share my healing with the world, that sickness may be banished from the mind of God’s one Son, Who is my only Self.
Heaven is the decision I must make. I make it now, and will not change my mind, because it is the only thing I want.
I will accept Atonement for myself, for I remain as God created me.
Only salvation can be said to cure. Speak to me Father, that I may be healed.
121. Forgiveness is the key to happiness.
122. Forgiveness offers everything I want.
123. I thank my Father for His gifts to me.
124. Let me remember I am one with God.
125. In quiet I receive God’s Word today.
126. All that I give is given to myself.
127. There is no love but God’s.
128. The world I see holds nothing that I want.
129. Beyond this world there is a world I want.
130. It is impossible to see two worlds.
131. No one can fail who seeks to reach the truth.
132. I loose the world from all I thought it was.
133. I will not value what is valueless.
134. Let me perceive forgiveness as it is.
135. If I defend myself I am attacked.
136. Sickness is a defense against the truth.
137. When I am healed I am not healed alone.
138. Heaven is the decision I must make.
139. I will accept Atonement for myself.
140. Only salvation can be said to cure.
All things are echoes of the Voice for God. God is but Love, and therefore so am I.
The power of decision is my own. This day I will accept myself as what my Father’s Will created me to be.
>In my defenselessness my safety lies. Defenselessness is strength. It testifies to recognition of the Christ in you.
I am among the ministers of God, and I am grateful that I have the means by which to recognize that I am free.
I will step back and let Him lead the way, for I would walk along the road to Him.
I walk with God in perfect holiness. I light the world, I light my mind and all the minds which God created one with me.
Into His Presence would I enter now. Your body will be sanctified today, its only purpose being now to bring the vision of what you experience this day to light the world.
Today I learn to give as I receive. When experience will come to end your doubting has been set. For we but see the journey from the point at which it ended, looking back on it, imagining we make it once again; reviewing mentally what has gone by.
You understand that you are healed when you give healing. You accept forgiveness as accomplished in yourself when you forgive. You recognize your brother as yourself, and thus do you perceive that you are whole. There is no miracle you cannot give, for all are given you. Receive them now by opening the storehouse of your mind where they are laid, and giving them away.
Fear is a stranger to the ways of love. Identify with fear, and you will be a stranger to yourself.
Give me your blessing holu Son of God. One brother is all brothers. Every mind contains all minds, for every mind is one. Such is the truth.
I am as God created me. This single thought, held firmly in the mind, would save the world.
There is no death, and we renounce it now in every form, for their salvation and our own as well. God made not death. Whatever form it takes must therefore be illusion. This the stand we take today. And it is given us to look past death, and see the life beyond.
What time but now can truth be recognized? The present is the only time there is. And so today, this instant, now, we come to look upon what is forever there; not in our sight, but in the eyes of Christ. He looks past time, and sees eternity as represented there. He hears the sounds the senseless, busy world engenders, yet He hears them faintly. For beyond them all He hears the song of Heaven, and the Voice for God more clear, more meaningful, more near.
What makes this world seem real except your own denial of the truth that lies beyond? What but your thoughts of misery and death obscure the perfect happiness and the eternal life your Father wills for you? And what could hide what cannot be concealed except illusion? What could keep from you what you already have except your choice to see it not, denying it is there?
All things are given you. God’s trust in you is limitless. He knows His Son. He gives without exception, holding nothing back that can contribute to your happiness. And yet, unless your will is one with His, His gifts are not received. But what would make you think there is another will than His?
There are not different kinds of life, for life is like the truth. It does not have degrees. It is the one condition in which all that God created share. Like all His Thoughts, it has no opposite. There is no death because what God created shares His life. There is no death because an opposite to God does not exist. There is no death because the Father and the Son are one.
God speaks to us. Shall we not speak to Him? He is not distant. He makes no attempt to hide from us. We try to hide from Him, and suffer from deception. He remains entirely accessible. He loves His Son. There is no certainty but this, yet this suffices. He will love His Son forever. When his mind remains asleep, He loves him still. And when his mind awakes, He loves him with a never-changing Love.
Grace is acceptance of the Love of God within a world of seeming hate and fear. By grace alone the hate and fear are gone, for grace presents a state so opposite to everything the world contains, that those whose minds are lighted by the gift of grace can not believe the world of fear is real.
/ul>You make what you defend against, and by your own defense against it is it real and inescapable. Lay down your arms, and only then do you perceive it false.
151. All things are echoes of the Voice for God.
152. The power of decision is my own.
153. In my defenselessness my safety lies.
154. I am among the ministers of God.
155. I will step back and let Him lead the way.
156. I walk with God in perfect holiness.
157. Into His Presence would I enter now.
158. Today I learn to give as I receive.
159. I give the miracles I have received.
160. I am at home. Fear is the stranger here.
161. Give me your blessing, holy Son of God.
162. I am as God created me.
163. There is no death. The Son of God is free.
164. Now are we one with Him Who is our Source.
165. Let not my mind deny the Thought of God.
166. I am entrusted with the gifts of God.
167. There is one life, and that I share with God.
168 Your grace is given me. I claim it now.
169. By grace I live. By grace I am released.
170. There is no cruelty in God and none in me.
Perception has a focus. It is this that gives consistency to what you see. Change but this focus, and what you behold will change accordingly.
There is a Child in you Who seeks His Father’s house, and knows that He is alien here. ⁴This childhood is eternal, with an innocence that will endure forever. ⁵Where this Child shall go is holy ground. ⁶It is His Holiness that lights up Heaven, and that brings to earth the pure reflection of the light above, wherein are earth and Heaven joined as one.
Say His Name, and you invite the angels to surround the ground on which you stand, and sing to you as they spread out their wings to keep you safe, and shelter you from every worldly thought that would intrude upon your holiness.
You live by symbols. You have made up names for everything you see. Each one becomes a separate entity, identified by its own name. By this you carve it out of unity. By this you designate its special attributes, and set it off from other things by emphasizing space surrounding it. This space you lay between all things to which you give a different name; all happenings in terms of place and time; all bodies which are greeted by a name.
To say these words is nothing. But to mean these words is everything. If you could but mean them for just an instant, there would be no further sorrow possible for you in any form; in any place or time. Heaven would be completely given back to full awareness, memory of God entirely restored, the resurrection of all creation fully recognized.
Forgiveness is an earthly form of love, which as it is in Heaven has no form. Yet what is needed here is given here as it is needed. In this form you can fulfill your function even here, although what love will mean to you when formlessness has been restored to you is greater still. Salvation of the world depends on you who can forgive. Such is your function here.
Never believe that you can sacrifice. There is no place for sacrifice in what has any value. If the thought occurs, its very presence proves that error has arisen and correction must be made. Your blessing will correct it. Given to you, it now is yours to give as well. No form of sacrifice and suffering can long endure before the face of one who has forgiven and has blessed himself.
Let all things shine upon me in that peace, and let me bless them with the light in me.
There is a light in you the world can not perceive. And with its eyes you will not see this light, for you are blinded by the world. Yet you have eyes to see it. It is there for you to look upon. It was not placed in you to be kept hidden from your sight.
Lay down your arms, and come without defense into the quiet place where Heaven’s peace holds all things still at last.
Here is your declaration of release from bondage of the world. And here as well is all the world released.
Forgiveness represents your function here. It is not God’s creation, for it is the means by which untruth can be undone. ⁵And who would pardon Heaven? Yet on earth, you need the means to let illusions go.
Forgive, and you will see this differently.
God holds your future as He holds your past and present. They are one to Him, and so they should be one to you.
Our gratitude will pave the way to Him, and shorten our learning time by more than you could ever dream of. Gratitude goes hand in hand with love, and where one is the other must be found.
When this is firmly understood and kept in full awareness, you will not attempt to harm yourself, nor make your body slave to vengeance. You will not attack yourself, and you will realize that to attack another is but to attack yourself. You will be free of the insane belief that to attack a brother saves yourself. And you will understand his safety is your own, and in his healing you are healed.
The world must thank you when you offer it release from your illusions. Yet your thanks belong to you as well, for its release can only mirror yours. Your gratitude is all your gifts require, that they be a lasting offering of a thankful heart, released from hell forever
Injury is impossible. And yet illusion makes illusion. If you can condemn, you can be injured. For you have believed that you can injure, and the right you have established for yourself can be now used against you, till you lay it down as valueless, unwanted and unreal. Then does illusion cease to have effects, and those it seemed to have will be undone. Then are you free, for freedom is your gift, and you can now receive the gift you gave.
Freedom must be impossible as long as you perceive a body as yourself. The body is a limit. Who would seek for freedom in a body looks for it where it can not be found. The mind can be made free when it no longer sees itself as in a body, firmly tied to it and sheltered by its presence. If this were the truth, the mind were vulnerable indeed!
The peace of God is ours, and only this will we accept and want. Peace be to us today. For we have found a simple, happy way to leave the world of ambiguity, and to replace our shifting goals and solitary dreams with single purpose and companionship. For peace is union, if it be of God. We seek no further. We are close to home, and draw still nearer every time we say: There is no peace except the peace of God, And I am glad and thankful it is so.